Arguments Do Not Work, 6:4 is minimum (English Edition)
Each of you negotiates three to seven times a day. To satisfy your needs and wants, you cannot do without negotiation. There is a simple rule: If you don't ask for anything, you can't get anything.
I have been a professional negotiator all my life. In my first book, I've distilled 17 years of experience at the negotiating table.
The book will prepare you for the role of a negotiator using the FBI's methods.
You will learn to negotiate minute by minute.
You will learn to negotiate on the edge and in difficult situations.
You will learn how to negotiate with the opposing party, to properly appeal to their emotions, and to handle every demand the opposing party puts on the table during the negotiation.
You will never again in your life be satisfied with a 5:5 result. You will always aim for at least a 6:4 outcome. You will negotiate to get the best possible outcome.
In all situations in your life, in your private life, in business, or internally in your company, you will be able to negotiate like an FBI agent. In addition, you will always know if an amateur or a professional negotiator is sitting across from you.
You will always recognize what stage of the negotiation you are in. When you've stopped probing, when you've stopped bargaining, and when you've started negotiating.
This book will put you in charge of every negotiation.
If you prefer to read rather than listen, you have chosen the right option. By buying the book, you are contributing to a good cause. The first part of the book, Arguments Don't Work - The New Law of Negotiation, and the second part of the book have been prepared for you by Deaf and Blind people. We are reinvesting the proceeds back into them.
Download the Teachable app from the App Store on your iPhone and improve your negotiation skills offline.
Review of my first audiobook
"I knew the book would be great. I had no idea that I would find so many interesting suggestions and inspiration for my writing. A lot of the stuff in the book can be applied to anything. Especially the anchor work. I used it recently when dealing with clients. I used it in a comment below the post. I used it in a phone call with a client who was pushing me to do something I wasn't comfortable with. The result was a negotiation that turned out successfully in my favor. I won the contract, I was able to refuse the client's request without our relationship suffering, and I steered the discussion below the article into clear boundaries.
Radim to you, buy Radim's book #ArgumentsDon'tWork and negotiate with the same passion and enthusiasm as your kids do when they want ice cream in January." – Lucie Zitterbartová
"I recommend the book to anyone who has to negotiate. It's a comprehensive cyber guide on the voyage to success." – Tomáš Burda
"The audiobook is top notch, but it's like with everything, practice makes perfect 👍."– Jiří Rak
"I can confirm that it works. I'm halfway through the book and I'm gradually applying what I've learned from it. Even when negotiating with those who have power and opposite interests than me, I am achieving my goals." – Martin Pavelka
"The book is great! I use the techniques every day, so the value is amazing." – Adam Řezníček
"I have been in the buying and selling business for practically ten years and closing a deal has never been a big problem for me, but it has cost me a lot of time and effort and the outcome has not always been equal to my requirements and expectations. After studying Mr. Parik's book, my negotiations have become more efficient and I can negotiate better terms faster. Do you think it takes a lot of knowledge, skills or talent? I thought so too, but just remember a few points that Mr. Parik explains in detail and you will see the change immediately. This book was definitely beneficial for my company and I recommend it to those who have been trading for years but want to learn something new and actually fun again..."–
Klára Hajchlová
"I bought your book a few days ago, thanks for it. It has already helped me in two minor cases, no big negotiation, just a mail. I just had to behave differently." –
Lucie Malecká
"I have to say, a little reluctantly (I really don't like ebooks), that I like Radim's book. It's well narrated, pleasant to listen to and has interesting content. What Radim says there works." –
Rostislav Svoboda
"I can have any opinion I want about Radim, but what I won't deny him is that what he does has a head and a heel, and most importantly a real benefit and it works. I experienced Radim live, so I immediately bought the "full version" of the audiobook, including the workbook and the pdf version. For me, this version is the maximum benefit.
1) Listening anywhere.
2) Background on the meeting thanks to the workbook (admittedly everything is described in the book, but just why waste time 😉 ).
3) Written version for better visualization, ability to take notes, etc.
Moreover, blind people participated in the transcription from audio and Radim promised to invest the proceeds for the printed version back into them. So, at the same time as you benefit yourself, you are also contributing to a worthwhile cause." –
Rudolf Pustějovský